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This is great! Liked the music, and great work on physics for a solo dev in one month :D

Some things I noticed:

  • Could infinitely jump if hugging a wall
  • A little too slippery/momentum. Would feel nicer if the players stopped moving quicker
  • Round end UI at the end of level 1 was way off center
  • If you jump into a wall and hold the jump button you'll stay there until you let go
  • Jumping off edges needs more 'coyote time', made level 3 super hard

Thanks for the notes! 

• Indefinite jump - I will say I had this happen a couple times, but it wasn’t consistent enough to try and figure out. I turned off the friction if the character is colliding with a wall bc it kept getting stuck with any friction. That’s super weird gravity isn’t bringing it back down though.

• Slipperiness - I had a hard time adjusting the physics because it would slow down a ton on my computer, then get slippy-slidey on my phone. It’s not a very intensive game so idk what that’s about but oh well. 

• Round end UI - whoops! Thought I put all those back lol.

• Hanging on to wall during jump - weird. I’ll check if “grab ledges” is turned on at all.

• Coyote time - I hadn’t even thought about coyote time, but that’s a great idea!